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Big Clap

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The Secret of Socrates
Friday, December 25, 2009; 10:44 AM


In talking with other people, don't begin by discussing the things on which you differ. Begin by emphasizing and keep on emphasizing, the things on which you agree. Keep emphasizing, if possible, that you are both striving for the same end and that your only difference is one of method and not of purpose.

Get the other person "Yes, yes" at the outset. keep your opponent, if possible, from saying "No". A "No" response, according to Professor Harry Overstreet, is a most difficult handicap to overcome. When you have said "No," all your pride of personality demands that you remain consistent with yourself. You may later feel that the "No" was ill-advised; nevertheless, there is your precious pride to consider! Once having said a thing, you feel you must stick to it. Hence it is of the very greatest importance that a person be started in the affirmative direction.

The psychology patterns here are quite clear. When a person says "No" and really mean it, he or she is doing far more than saying a word of two letters. The entire organism, glandular, nervous, muscular, gathers itself together into a condition of rejection. There is, usually in minute but sometimes in observable degree, a physical withdrawal or readiness for withdrawal. The whole neuromuscular system, in short, sets itself on guard against acceptance. When, to a contrary, a person says "Yes," none of the withdrawal activities takes place. The organism is in a forward-moving, accepting, open attitude. Hence the more Yeses we can, at the very outset, induce, the more likely we are to succeed in capturing the attention for our ultimate proposal.

(Takes from "How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job" by Dale Carnegie, page 170-171)

0 Lovers??

Thursday, December 17, 2009; 10:54 PM

Just wanna post something about what had happened last saturday..

Pagi2, masa main bola liga kaherah, ada dak arab cuba nak tibai bola..and..., ambik kau!

My team (soccernet) 2 - 0 Matriks


Balik dari main bola, tukar2 baju terus g tournament bowling..semangat membara nak menebus kekalahan masa kat INTEC dulu..huhuhu..walaupun sakit2 tgn, tp g gak main bowling ;) Setiap batch akan hantar 2 kumpulan..Jadi, kami adalah wakil tahun 2 ^^

Haa,ni namanya xde keje..bese la tu, pape hal kena snap gambar dulu kn..huhu..meh berkenalan ngan ahli kumpulan saya..

Syafieq - merupakan pembaling pertama selaku ketua..terkenal dgn balingan swing2 gitu..tapi kdg2 x bpe nak jadi..tapi kalau jadi sume kagum..haha
Kelebihan : baling ala2 swing ;)
Rating : 4/5

Acap : pembaling kedua..pusingan pertama dan kedua main mcm biasa..tapi den polik ngan dio masa pusingan ketiga..ntah apo ayat dio baco..tinggi lak ai markah dio..haha
Kelebihan : gaya baling yg tersendiri..mmg ada style
Rating : 4/5

Anwar : pembaling 3..Peserta ni mmg xleh nak ckp apa..mmg diakui kehebatan dia..nampak je kurus2 cm tu, tapi dia adalah peserta pertama dlm team ni yg buat strike..haa, caye x??haha
Kelebihan : sukar dijangka..bola akan pergi mengikut arah yg dikehendaki..
Rating : 4.5/5

Sein : peserta terakhir..lambat panas..pusingan pertama sume x menjadi..tapi skill semakin develop bila masuk pusingan seterusnya..
Kelebihan : lepas baling terus duduk kat line tu sampai la pin jatuh..haha
Rating : 4/5

Haa,cam ne??best x??inilah ahli2 kumpulan Noradrenaline..huhuhu..jgn main2 ni..

Ni 1st team wakil tahun 2..sume ni mantap2..tu yg baju merah, nama dia iskandar..peserta terbaik dlm kejohanan ni..pakai spect sambil gelak, org pnggil dia basal..masa berlatih, keje dia strike je..yg lagi sorang, ini wakil kisas dulu..nama dia yin..sorang lg (tiada dlm gambar), rahim, mantap gak..

Bila sume dah habis main, sambil2 tunggu pengadil kira markah....

Meh ambik gambar kenangan la wakil tahun 2..tgk muka yg x pernah nmpk tu, tu lah namanya rahim..huhu

Tunggu punya tunggu, akhirnya pengadil siap pun mengira dan bersedia utk memberi hadiah..then...

eh2, kenapa saya salam ngan abg tu???

sbb kumpulan saya mng laa...haha..tapi nape sume dpt pingat eh??kumpulan lg satu pun mng ke??saya dpt no bpe ni???

tgk gambar ni..tgk pingat tu dekat2..warna apa???ngeh3..dah terjawab semua persoalan kn??huhu..kumpulan saya johan n lg satu naib johan..So, 2nd year student cemerlang!!chaiyok2!

Nasib baik mng..terubat sikit hati ni pasal kejadian pagi tadi..huhu..alhamdulillah

p/s : Kalau atiq mng kuiz sastera perdana, then i win this bowling tournament..hahaha (saje je nak bangga gak)

9 Lovers??

11/12/1990 (premature birth)
Sunday, December 13, 2009; 6:20 AM

Semasa belajar mengenai "cortisol" ( the main glucocorticoid ) baru2 ni, hatiku tersentak apabila dr cerita pasal premature birth..Mmg sejak dari 1st year dah dgr pasal ni..Baby who has premature birth normally will suffer from "Respiratory Distress Syndrom" (RDS) which can cause death..

Ok, this sounds so weird to non-medic student, right??http://emo.huhiho.comSo, i'll make it simple for you..Premature birth is a birth of baby of less than 37 weeks..I was born only after 7 months..Ibu said my size was as big as botol kicap..She can hold me just with one hand..haha..I cannot imagine it until now ^_^ Then, RDS is a condition where surfactant is insufficient in the lung because of immaturity of the lung..This can cause difficulty to breath then die..I was shocked to hear that..Plus i just know that premature baby is commonly has many complication..Syukur i'm safe..So far, alhamdulilah, i just healthy like others..I really thank to Allah to safe me and give me chance for life..Alhamdulillah..

Besides, doctor usually will give cortisol to premature baby to help on secrete surfactant..Thanks also to the doctor who had make a good job as a doctor and save my life..Then, i discover so many things..I'm so lucky to live after the premature birth..huhuhu..

Ibu also said, i'm living at the hospital for 2 months in the incubator..haha, what a boring day..haha..Sarah's father say " selalunya org lahir x cukup bulan ni, pandai ",betul ke macam tu??i don't know +_+ i didn't found any article about it..tapi kalau betul, best gak..hahaha..No2, pandai x pandai sesorg tu, bergantung kpd usaha mereka, takwa mereka pada Allah dan Allah permudahkan baginya..Kerana semua manusia dilahirkan dalam keadaan tidak tahu, come on guys!!Jgn ckp " Kau lain, kau pandai, aku x pandai"..There is no such words..

Terima kasih buat sahabat2, teman2 yg wish birthday saya hari tu..huhu..akhirnya capai gak umur 19..barulah sebaya dgn sahabat2 lain..tapi kalau diikutkan, kalau saya dilahirkan normal, cukup 9 bulan, sekarang ni umur saya baru 18..haha..xnak2!!Sebab tu la saya keluar awal..ngeh2..Hey friends, i really appreciate u when u wish my birthday either on sms, fb, fs,or call, i really appreciate it..Buat teman2 yg lupe, it's ok laa..Thats normal, coz sometimes i did forget too..huhu

p/s : ada org tnya, dah besar pun nak hadiah ke??mesti la nak!!haha

5 Lovers??

Saturday, December 5, 2009; 1:25 PM

Ramai yg terkejut bila saya mengatakan sekarang ni musim sejuk di sini. Antara soalan2 yg biasa ditanya adalah..
>>Eh, Mesir pun ada musim sejuk ke??igtkan panas je..
>>Betul ke ni??Ada salji x??
>>Sejuk betul ke??Berapa suhu??

Haa, ramai yg terkejut kan..Apabila sahabat2 bertanya, saya pun menjawab, "eiy,kami kat sini 4 seasons" =)..huhu..Sebenarnya di tanah Mesir ini mmg ada 4 musim sebagaimana negara2 eropah lain..Boleh tahan juga sejuknya..Cukup la untuk stimulate cold pain receptor..=) Tapi, sejuk kat sini xdelah sampai tahap ada salji..Sejuk2 gitu je..Kalau suhu plg rendah pun, boleh cecah 11 degree celcius gak..Dah terjawab kan semua persoalan??Sebelum saya jejak kaki saya ke sini, kalau sebut mesir, mesti terbayangkan padang pasir mcm dlm cerita aladdin, dgn ribut, pokok kaktus, panas terik, unta2..huhu.Tetapi sebenarnya mesir bknlah seperti yg disangkakan..Ada je bangunan tinggi2, shopping complex, train dan mcm2..

Esok insya-Allah kelas kami akan bermula semula selepas bercuti selama 10 hari sempena hari raya..Dan jika tiada apa2 halangan, insya-Allah kami akan menduduki mid-year exam bermula 17/1/2010..So, be prepare for it doctor ^_^ Sedar x sedar, sekarang ni dah masuk bulan 12..Bulan yg dah dinantikan oleh semua, i guess =) sebab bulan ni selalunya cuti..Tetapi saya di sini masih lg meneruskan perjuangan..Owh ye, dah hampir 2 bulan saya berada di sini untuk semester ini..hee..Here are some photos i would like to share with...

Jumpa atuk dulu sebelum bertolak ke KlIA..Ayah ckp gambar ni 3 generasi..yeke??huhu

Bergambar sebelum berpisah..kena hantar aishah balik , sbb tu kot kena balik awal..haha..baru perasan,nape semua dak pmpn pakai baju same ye??^_^

Lepas family dah balik, terus g mkn mc'd..haish..lapar bangat..tapi tadi ayah tanya nak mkn x, jwb xnak,pelik kn??huhu..Masa nak bayar tadi, org yg jaga kaunter tu tanya, "staff ke??"..saya jwb x..(eh, xtaw lak ada nmpk mcm muka staff..hihi)

Disebabkan dah bosan duduk dlm kapal terbang lama sgt, g la melawat toilet..And i just realize..a'ah la,mcm staf..hahaha..(perasaan je) =p

Tak sampai sebulan, dah rasa berjauhan dgn keluarga..i would send this to

Ini lah antara sahabat2 yg sentiasa bersama tatkala berjauhan dgn family..5 tahun lg nak hidup bersama..haha

This is my roomate..nama dia husiani tp org pnggil sein..just nak ckp baju kami hampir sama..hee

Gambar ni nmpk cam xde motif kn??tp sebanarnya gambar ni ambil sbb dah lama x tukar gambar kt fb..huhu..somehow i like it :)

p/s : Thanks for visiting my blog..i just wonder who is "cahaya mata"??ada sape2 taw x??hee

8 Lovers??