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Big Clap

Template: Intan Aqilah
Basecodes: Yaya

Oral physiology
Saturday, June 26, 2010; 9:49 AM


Alhamdulillah, I just finish all my written exams and physiology oral exam. Just left 3 more oral exams. huhu. Sabar2~~~~

Today, I'm one of the last student to come to the university. Suppose, the exam will start at 8 but I come at 8:10. Because last year, the doctor said the oral exam will be at 8 but it actually start at 11. Can you imagine that? lol. But, as I reach the university, I heard Dr Nancy said, 3082. I just like, wth, that's the number before me. No, I think I heard it wrongly. After that, 8083..heh, dah agak dah!! Ok, now I'm nervous to be the first guy to be examine. Why me? Why not him or her. haha. Few minutes later, uh, pasrah je laa. While waiting for my turn in front of the door, I know that this is Dr Ibrahim's room. Okay, he teach us "kidney", the questions should be more about kidney. My turn, near response of the eye, plasma clearance and aldosterone. Done~

Second doctor, upper motor neuron lesion, dark adaptation and SDA. OMG, I don't really remember about SDA. After giving the definition, it seems I can't answer the next question. Then, the doctor give me an example, if your mother together with you visit Kuala Lumpur, and it is cold weather. She want to give you honey and fish. What would you choose? Erm, cold weather..Of coarse I will choose fish. Why??Because you like fish? hehe, because fish contain high protein diet. What the relation between protein and cold weather? When we eat protein, it will produce more heat energy than others. Yes, that's the answer. You know it but you don't know that is what meant by SDA...huhu, thank you doctor. Done again~~

What else you can say more than alhamdulillah, when you are examined by 2 kind doctors by only 35 minutes. hee. And I be the first person to come back home. haha. Ouch, I have to go now. Need to pay the internet bill at Kasr el-Aini. Owh God, today I'm so happy ^_^

1 Lovers??

Be great person
Saturday, June 5, 2010; 2:43 AM

Esok insya-Allah final exam yang sudah lama dinanti-nantikan akan bermula. hik3. Ada ke orang tunggu waktu exam? Sebenarnya orang tak tunggu waktu exam tapi orang tunggu waktu habis exam. Kenapa orang tunggu habis exam? Sebab lepas exam tak payah nak baca buku. haha. Sebab lepas exam kan cuti. Sebab lepas exam kan dah nak raya. haha. Selalunya, orang tak tunggu waktu exam. I mean who likes to take examination; reads a lot of things, memorizing facts, have very few sleep. Tapi orang tunggu waktu dapat result cemerlang. Saya pasti ramai yang pernah terbayang bila kita dapat keputusan cemerlang, walaupun bibir berkata,"susah tu..mesti si fulan dan si fulan dapat result gempak (tanpa menyatakan diri sendiri)". Tetapi dalam hati setiap insan pasti ternanti-nanti dan tertanya-tanya bilakah waktu indah itu akan berlaku pada diri kita.

Kesimpulannya, semua orang mahukan kejayaan dan pernah termimpikan diri mencapai kejayaan. Itulah yang berlaku pada diri saya. Ya, ini adalah satu langkah awal. Keinginan untuk berjaya sangat penting dalam proses menuju kejayaan. Orang yang tidak pernah fikirkan mahu kejayaan atau dalam erti kata lain "buat apa nak susah2, jadi biasa2 sudah", sudah pasti tidak akan mencapai kejayaan. Setiap apa yang dilakukan tidak memikirkan apakah fokus utamanya. Persoalannya, perlu ke nak jadi yang terbaik? Nak dapat straigh A's, dapat anugerah. Kalau jadi biasa2 je kan senang. Bukan tak boleh hidup pun kan?

Jika inilah persoalan yang timbul, cuba tanya diri sendiri, apa salahnya jadi orang yang hebat? Apa salahnya jika kita berlumba-lumba untuk menjadi orang yang berjaya? Kenapa nak jadi biasa-biasa seperti kebanyakkan orang? Bukankah umat Islam itu diajar menjadi umat terbaik? Mengapa kita mahu meletakkan "limit" dalam diri kita?

Setiap hari kita mendengar seruan azan, "marilah menuju kejayaan". Kita sangat dituntut untuk mencapai kejayaan dan menjadi orang yang hebat. Salah satu sebabnya supaya kita tidak mudah ditindas oleh bangsa lain. Kalau kita berilmu kita tidak mudah diperdaya. Memang sudah menjadi lumrah bagi setiap manusia, kejayaan bererti kemanisan. Mana ada orang tak suka berjaya, kan3?hihi


Ayah selalu pesan, kalau kita tak berjaya, kita tak menjadi orang yang merdeka. Jiwa kita tidak merdeka walaupun ramai orang bersorak merdeka sebaik sahaja habis exam. Tetapi bila dapat result, kalau result tak bagus, jumpa orang je kita akan takut. Takut orang tanya result kita. Malu nak mengaku. Akibatnya kita akan mengelak dari bertemu kawan2 kita. Nampak orang je nak lari, nak menyorok. Merdeka ke macam tu? Tapi kalau result kita bagus, orang tak tanya pun kita pergi bagitahu orang. Tak pun kita pergi kat orang cakap, "tanyalah result saya". haha. Ayat ni diambil macam apa ayah cakap =)

Jadi, ayuh kawan, rakan dan sahabat. Kejayaan itu pasti lebih manis jika kita dapat sama-sama berjaya. Dan kejayaan itu tidak datang tiba-tiba tanpa usaha dan pengorbanan. Mari kita sama-sama berusaha untuk menjadi orang yang hebat. Kadang-kadang kita mungkin terleka tapi kita boleh sentiasa memperbaiki diri kita. Nothing impossible.

Bittaufik wannajah buat semua ^_^


2 Lovers??

The sun and the wind


Here's a fable about the sun and the wind.

They quarreled about which was the stronger,

and the wind said, "I'll prove I am. See that

old man down there with a coat? I bet I can

make him take his coat off faster than you can.

" So the sun went behind a cloud and the wind

blew until it was almost a tornado, but the

harder it blew the tighter the old man wrapped

his coat about him. Finally, the wind calmed

down and gave up. The sun came out from behind

the cloud and smiled kindly on the old man.

He mopped his brow and pulled off his coat.

The sun then told the wind, "gentleness and

friendliness were always stronger than fury and

force." Friendliness and appreciation can make

people change their minds more readily than

storming at them can.

2 Lovers??